No actions of FPSE shall abrogate or supersede the traditional, collective, and hereditary rights of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous knowledge and resources are the property of the Nation from where they originated. We recognize that racism and sexism are embedded in all of our organizations.

As an FPSE Standing Committee, we acknowledge the collective and inherent rights of self-determination of Indigenous Peoples. We honour and respect the human dignity, cultural identity, and ways of knowing of Indigenous Peoples and communities in learning, teaching, and research environments. We walk together with all our relations for present and future generations. We aim to build a foundation of mutual respect and balance between different ways of knowing and understanding. Our aim is for people of every background and experience to create a positive future together.

FPSE and DRISC support the adoption of the following resolution by the Canadian Labour Congress:

Whereas the revelations of unmarked graves at the sites of former residential schools have brought international attention to these crimes against Indigenous nations; and

Whereas the Truth and Reconciliation Commission declared in its final report that the residential school system for Indian children was a "systematic, government- sponsored attempt to destroy Aboriginal cultures and languages and to assimilate Aboriginal peoples so that they no longer existed as distinct peoples”; and

Whereas there have been repeated calls to action by Indigenous nations, scholars, and activists that crimes of genocide be investigated by independent international bodies of the United Nations, therefore,

The Canadian Labour Congress will support the calls by Indigenous nations, scholars, and activists for an independent, internationally led criminal investigation by appropriate bodies of the United Nations into the Canadian state's design, implementation, and administration of the Indian Residential School System and its ongoing destructive impact on Indigenous nations.

FPSE and DRISC stand in solidarity with the Vancouver and District Labour Council and the BC Federation of Labour to support the calls by Indigenous nations, scholars, and activists for an independent, internationally led criminal investigation by appropriate bodies of the United Nations into the Canadian state's design, implementation, and administration of the Indian Residential School System and its ongoing destructive impact on Indigenous nations.


Sharon McIvor

Staff Rep

Andrea Wong

Local Reps


Local 1

Capilano University Faculty Association
Gregory Coyes

Local 2

Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association
Roxane Letterlough

Local 3

Faculty Association of the College of New Caledonia
Alycia Mutual

Local 4

Douglas College Faculty Association

Local 5

Kwantlen Faculty Association
Seema Ahluwalia

Local 6

College of the Rockies Faculty Association 
Michele Sam

Local 7

University of the Fraser Valley Faculty & Staff Association
Alyson Gher-White

Local 8

Vancouver Island University Faculty Association
Dale Hunt

Local 9

Okanagan College Faculty Association

Local 10

Selkirk College Faculty Association
Agaabeeksaki Elizabeth Ferguson

Local 11

Academic Workers’ Union (Coast Mountain College)
Sheree Ronaasen

Local 12

Camosun College Faculty Association
Artemis Fire (co-representative)
Natasha Parrish (co-representative)

Local 14

Langara Faculty Association

Local 16

North Island College Faculty Association
Evelyn Voyageur

Local 17

TRU Open Learning Faculty Association
Erin Woodford

Local 19

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology Employees’ Association

Local 21

Education & Training Employees' Association

Local 22

Emily Carr University Faculty Association
Lindsay McIntyre



FPSE Member-at-Large
Tara Lyster


Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association
Amy Tucker


1. To review existing FPSE policies and develop new policies to ensure they are consistent with the Preamble, Vision Statement, and Purpose of the committee.

2. To draft a committee work plan that includes the following elements:

  • To advise on Decolonization, Reconciliation, and Indigenization.
  • Actions meant to develop and implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
  • Actions meant to support development and implementation of education on Indigenous themes for students at their members’ post-secondary educational institutions.
  • Actions meant to develop and implement culturally and spiritually relevant curricula on Indigenous themes for students within programs at their member institutions and advise on securing provincial and federal funding.
  • To consider equivalency of cultural and spiritual credentials.
  • To develop recommended policies, actions and best practices for recruiting and retaining Indigenous faculty, staff, administrators and students.
  • To advise on ways to honour Indigenous Peoples and organizations working to bring Indigenous students into the post-secondary system.
  • To advise on pedagogy, scholarly activity, and curricula for Indigenous and non-Indigenous content that values and is respectful of the lived experience of Indigenous educators and the transformative impact of teachings by Indigenous educators.

3. To provide an Indigenous and anti-racist lens through which FPSE and institutions can develop policies and undertake work that takes into account the diverse needs of Indigenous faculty and students, validates Indigenous ways of knowing and being, and accommodates Indigenous ways of experiencing the world.

Indigenous lenses include Indigenous, anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-colonialist perspectives.

Preamble: No actions of FPSE shall abrogate or supersede the traditional, collective, and hereditary rights of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous knowledge and resources are the property of the Nation from where they originated.

We recognize that racism and sexism are embedded in all of our organizations.

Vision Statement: As a FPSE Standing Committee, we acknowledge the collective and inherent rights of self-determination of Indigenous Peoples. We honour and respect the human dignity, cultural identity, and ways of knowing of Indigenous Peoples and communities in learning, teaching, and research environments. We walk together with all our relations for present and future generations. We aim to build a foundation of mutual respect and balance between different ways of knowing and understanding. Our aim is for people of every background and experience to create a positive future together.

Purpose: In a humble way, DRISC will provide guidance and support to the FPSE President, the Presidents’ Council, and FPSE membership. DRISC will respect the protocols of the territories in which each of our locals engage and will uplift, honour, and integrate diverse Indigenous ways of knowing and being.

Composition: The Decolonization, Reconciliation & Indigenization Standing Committee is composed of knowledgeable representatives from each FPSE local who are responsive and responsible to Indigenous Peoples’ goal of self-determination and well-being.

Representatives will be sincerely committed to collaborating with other local representatives on DRISC activities.

The committee is composed of one representative from each FPSE local. The Non-Regular Faculty Committee may appoint one person to the committee. A member will be appointed by the FPSE Executive Committee, with voice but without vote, to act as liaison between the Standing Committee, and the Executive and Presidents’ Council.

For each meeting, a Wise One will be invited to take part by the Co-Chairs (Wise Ones are those who are recognized and trusted by their Nations as playing a central role in their traditional ways of knowing and being). The Wise One will be treated with the utmost respect and dignity; they will be appropriately compensated for their time, and their advice, guidance and teachings will be heard.

Term of Appointment: Locals should elect or appoint representatives for a two-year term.

Meetings: Such meetings as are required to fulfill its responsibilities, limited only by the funding allocated to the committee. The committee may substitute or include a workshop or conference for a meeting.

Chairpersons: The committee should endeavor to have Co-Chairs elected in staggered two-year terms, such that one Co-Chair shall always have served a previous year as Co-Chair. Thereafter, one new Co-Chair shall be (re)elected at the last meeting held prior to the convening of the Annual General Meeting and Convention.

One or both of the Co-Chairs or designates shall have observer status at meetings of the Presidents’ Council with voice but no vote.
Responsibilities include:

• Attending Presidents’ Council meetings upon request of the FPSE President.
• Attending the Annual General Meeting and Convention.

Observers: By invitation of the Co-Chairs.

Decision-making: At the beginning of each meeting, the committee will determine by consensus if adequate representation/membership is in attendance. Positions will be adopted by consensus among designated representatives.

Funds : As allocated in the FPSE annual budget.