About FPSE
FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.
(Winnipeg, Nov 29, 2021) Union leaders from BC are walking the picket lines with faculty at the University of Manitoba today in support of faculty calls for increased wages and an end to provincial government interference in collective bargaining. In addition to walking the line, the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC donated $10,000.00 to the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) strike fund. The support from out of province unions comes days after UMFA made their argument at the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench to Justice Joan McKelvey regarding government’s interference in 2016 labour negotiations.
“Free and fair bargaining is critical for workers to reach fair agreements,” said FPSE president Brent Calvert. “For a government to interfere with workers negotiating a contract with their employer is absolutely inappropriate, and we completely support the University of Manitoba faculty in their fight. The only way we win is by staying united, whether it’s provincially or nationally. We’re here to walk that talk on the picket line.”
Unionized post-secondary faculty and staff in BC will see their collective agreements expire next year, raising the potential for a similar situation to arise.
Colin Jones, BCITFSA President stated: “Believing in solidarity means taking action to stand together. It is my honour, as President of over 1800 members at BCIT, to stand with the members of UMFA in their fight for a fair deal. This is about protecting rights and achieving collective change; at each institute, in each province, and across Canada.”
The University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) has been on strike since November 2. BC union leaders will join striking faculty on the picket lines at campus locations and the Manitoba legislative assembly throughout the day on Monday.
BC union leaders include: FPSE President Brent Calvert and Secretary-Treasurer Sean Parkinson; Colin Jones, President of the British Columbia Institute of Technology Faculty and Staff Association (BCITFSA); Devin Shaw, Acting President of the Douglas College Faculty Association; and Chris Jaeger, President of the Vancouver Island University Faculty Association.
Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC: FPSE https://www.fpse.ca/
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s teaching universities, colleges, institutes and private sector institutions.
President – Brent Calvert president@fpse.ca
BC Institute of Technology Faculty & Staff Association: BCITFSA https://www.bcitfsa.ca/
The BCIT Faculty & Staff Association (BCITFSA) is a certified trade union and a member-driven association that represents 1,800+ full-time and part-time technological faculty and staff at the B.C. Institute of Technology (BCIT). The BCITFSA has worked since 1964 for excellent working conditions for all members through representation, negotiation, and advocacy. The well-being of BCIT as a unique educational institution in British Columbia is at the heart of our work.
President – Colin Jones cjones@bcit.ca