About FPSE
FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau,
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street Ottawa,
ON K1A 0A2
Sent via email: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
January 30, 2019
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

On January 7, RCMP officers arrested and forcibly removed 14 Unist’ot’en and Wet’sewet’en land defenders on their traditional, unceded territory. These arrests are in violation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the 2014 Tsilhoqot’in and 1997 Delgamuukw / Gisday'wa Supreme Court rulings.
This unconstitutional infringement on the rights of the Wet’sewet’en and Unist’ot’en to manage their lands and resources is contrary to the spirit of reconciliation.
FPSE is committed to the implementation of the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the recognition of the inherent rights stated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
FPSE calls on all parties to respect the leadership of the Wet’suwet’en Nation and Unist’ot’en House, engage in meaningful dialogue regarding the Unist’ot’en territory, and abide by the decisions reached by the hereditary leadership regarding access and use of their land.
In solidarity,
Dr. George Davison
President, FPSE
CC: Premier John Horgan