

It’s time for Fair Employment Week 2020!  FPSE has a long and proud tradition of strong activism on behalf of all our non-regular members. Because of the commitment, focus, and perseverance of all our members we have been able to make gains on job security and pay for our precarious members. Our struggle continues but this week we take time to come together, recognise our successes and plan for our next steps..

Join us as we celebrate Fair Employment Week with a documentary viewing, an online social and as we join precarious faculty across the country through our CAUT connections! 

OCTOBER 18 to 24 

  In Search of Professor Precarious | Free screening for FPSE members

In Search of Professor Precarious is an 80-minute award winning documentary about precarious contract professors in Canada and their struggle for fairness was produced by Gerry Potter. The film follows the story of four precarious academics as they fight for equality. FPSE was one of many unions that sponsored the production of this film.

We will be providing free streaming of the film to members throughout Fair Employment Week. Watch it alone or with colleagues and friends! 

Click here to access the film; password is MakeItFair

Access the film and find out more here


CAUT-logo 10:00-11:30 am PST
 Organizing to Win for Contract Academic Staff: A CAUT Members' Panel 

Hear case studies from across the country on how academic staff associations have organized around and won victories for contract academic staff. This event will take place in English with simultaneous interpretation into French.

Register here 


CAUT-logo 10:00-11:00 am PST
 Intellectual Property in a Time of Remote Learning for Contract Academic Staff: A Webinar with Dr. Sam Trosow

Join Dr. Sam Trosow, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, who will discuss the issues of ownership and control of course content for contract academic staff in a time of remote learning. 

This event will take place in English with simultaneous interpretation into French.

Register here

FPSE-50-logo 7 to 9 pm PST
 FPSE Fair Employment week Social

Join FPSE leaders and members in an informal get together.  We will all share thoughts and our experiences about the challenges facing non-regular faculty this year, how we can work together and with new allies to bring about real fairness for non-regular faculty and what you need FPSE and locals to do moving forward.   It will be an exciting evening!

Join us 


CAUT-logo 10:00 to 11:00 am EPT (7:00 - 8:00 am PST)
 A Keynote Address by Dr. Liz Morrish

Liz Morrish, an independent scholar and activist for resistance to managerial appropriation of the university and co-author of the book Academic Irregularities, will present a talk titled, “A plague on universities: How the pandemic has created breach points for the future of labour, pedagogy and values in higher education.”

This event will take place in English with simultaneous interpretation into French.

Register here 


 A Social Media Day of Action

We are encouraging locals and members to flood social media with Fair Employment Week messages. Use the hashtags:

#MakeItFair, #MakeitFair4CAS and tag us @FPSE


CAUT-logo 10:00 to 11:00 am PST
 A Zoom social for contract academic staff 

Join contract academic staff from coast to coast in an informal Zoom social. Folks will be put into breakout rooms to get to know one another, talk about the unique issues contract academic staff are experiencing, discuss strategies to improve working conditions, and join together in celebration of the work and contributions contract academic staff make to our universities and colleges. What a great way to end the week!

Register here 


About FPSE

FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.