Every worker has the right to a workplace that is safe, healthy, and free of harassment. FPSE’s Workplace Health, Safety & Environment Committee (WHSEC) brings together representatives to learn about legal rights, to identify issues and trends in the post-secondary education sector, and to work with other labour organizations for improvements to workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety laws. More information about your rights can be found under Health & Safety.


Faculty Association of the College of New Caledonia
Irina Doering

FPSE Staff Rep

Pierre Cassidy

Local Reps


Local 1

Capilano University Faculty Association
David Geary

Local 2

Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association
Christina Mohr 

Local 3

Faculty Association of the College of New Caledonia
Irina Doering (Chair)

Local 4

Douglas College Faculty Association

Local 5

Kwantlen Faculty Association
Nick Inglis

Local 6

College of the Rockies Faculty Association
Oludare Sokoya

Local 7

University of the Fraser Valley Faculty & Staff Association
George Ogolo & Chris Flood

Local 8

Vancouver Island University Faculty Association
Amber Hieb

Local 9

Okanagan College Faculty Association
Leonard Lermer

Local 10

Selkirk College Faculty Association
Jason DaCosta

Local 11

Academic Workers’ Union (Coast Mountain College)
Reto Riesen

Local 12

Camosun College Faculty Association
Emah Christiansen

Local 14

Langara Faculty Association
Valerie Lloyd

Local 16

North Island College Faculty Association
Ryan McElroy

Local 17

TRU Open Learning Faculty Association
Susan Lidster

Local 19

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology Employees’ Association
Tom Willms

Local 21

Education & Training Employees' Association

Local 22

Emily Carr University of Art + Design Faculty Association
Kristy Waller

Exec Liaison

Lynelle Yutani

NRFC Liaison Vacant

The Workplace Health, Safety & Environment Committee shall assist FPSE locals to identify and assess the current and future occupational health and safety needs of their members and shall promote means of enabling FPSE members individually and collectively to develop their own occupational health and safety activities. The Committee will also monitor workplace environment issues and educate members on those issues.

1. To raise awareness of the right to a safe workplace among the members and executives of FPSE locals.

2. To gather and disseminate information to member locals on occupational health and safety needs, activities, and services.

3. To maintain ongoing contact with each member local Occupational Health & Safety Committee through a designated representative at each local.

4. To work with other FPSE committees, sector partners, and external groups on cross-cutting issues.

5. To recommend contract language on occupational health and safety matters to negotiating committees for incorporation in collective agreements.

6. Recommend changes or otherwise assist FPSE to lobby governments to improve health and safety, including workplace environment, legislation, and regulations.

7.  To support the full understanding and use of the complex responsibilities each Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee has at each local to ensure employer regulatory compliance.

Reporting: Reports regularly to the FPSE President and the Presidents’ Council.

Composition: Each local shall name a specific member as their designated representative to the Committee.

A member will be appointed by the Executive Committee, with voice but without vote, to act as liaison between the Standing Committee, the Executive, and Presidents' Council. 

The Non-Regular Faculty Committee may appoint one person to the Committee.

Term of Appointment: Locals shall endeavour to elect or appoint representatives for a two year term.

Chairperson: The Committee shall elect a new Chairperson at the last meeting of the Committee held prior to the convening of the Annual General Meeting and Convention.

The Committee shall endeavour to elect a Chairperson who has served on the Committee a previous term as a local representative.

The Chairperson or designate shall have observer status at meetings of the Presidents’ Council with voice but no vote. The responsibility of the Chairperson includes attendance by the Chairperson or designate at the Presidents’ Council meeting immediately subsequent to a meeting of the Committee or upon request of the FPSE President.

The Chairperson shall attend the Annual General Meeting and Convention. The Convention shall provide orientation and planning opportunities for Committee Chairpersons and facilitate their meeting as a group.

The duly elected Chairperson of the Committee must be the designated representative of a local to continue being Chairperson. 

Meetings: Such meetings as are required to fulfill its responsibilities, limited only by the funding allocated to the Committee. The Committee may substitute or include a workshop or conference for a meeting.

Observers: By invitation of the Chair.

Quorum: A majority of those member locals that have appointed WHSEC representatives.

Voting: Positions adopted by consensus among designated representatives; otherwise by simple majority of those voting.

Funds: As allocated in the annual budget.