About FPSE
FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.
September 30th marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This is a day for all of us to reflect on the harmful legacy of colonization: the establishment of the residential school system; the destruction of Indigenous cultures and languages; the theft of land; and the Indigenous lives destroyed and lost.
This day has been set aside so we can honour and commemorate those who survived residential schools and those who never returned home. On Saturday, and throughout the weekend, please take the time to reflect on what we can each do to deepen our understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing and being, to be receptive to the diverse cultures, voices, and experiences of Indigenous Peoples; and to reflect on what truth and reconciliation means to ourselves in our roles as educators, carrying these reflections forward throughout the year.
As Faculty Associations working in the labour movement, we need to ensure that we are active allies working with Indigenous Peoples to dismantle systems of oppression. The path of reconciliation and healing will be long, but all of us, Indigenous and settler communities alike, must work together to build a better future.
Please reach out to your members and encourage them to get out in their communities and participate in the many actions and events that are occurring in your area.
Below is a list of a few Lower Mainland events and resources.
In solidarity,
Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo
FPSE First Vice-President
National Day For Truth And Reconciliation with Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Society
What: Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Society is honouring the lost children and survivors from the Indian Residential Schooling system with a National Day For Truth And Reconciliation event at John Hendry Park.
When: September 30, 2023
Time: 1 to 4 pm
Where: Trout Lake Community Centre – Outdoors Gravel Field — 3360 Victoria Drive, Vancouver
Cost: Free
Semiahmoo First Nation’s 3rd Annual Walk for Truth & Reconciliation
What: Semiahmoo First Nation welcomes the community to its Walk for Truth & Reconciliation at Semihamoo Park. The annual event features family-friendly activities that explore the theme “What does Reconciliation mean to you?”
Highlights include youth dancers and speakers, Indigenous women’s harmonizer and drum group M’Girl, complimentary chili and bannock, face painting, and an Indigenous artisan market. Orange shirts will also be sold before the walk.
When: September 30, 2023
Time: 11 am to 2 pm
Where: Semihamoo Park. The walk begins in the parking lot adjacent to Grand Chief Bernard Robert Charles Plaza at 15393 Marine Drive.
Cost: Free
Skookum Surrey National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
What: Skookum Surrey welcomes everyone to an afternoon of drumming, sharing, tea and bannock at Holland Park to mark National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
When: September 29, 2023
Time: 3 to 5 pm
Where: Holland Park — 13428 Old Yale Road, Surrey
Cost: Free
All My Relations: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
What: First Nations artist and facilitator Christine Mackenzie hosts an inclusive workshop at Place des Arts on National Truth and Reconciliation Day. Attendees will discover the importance of the cedar bough through a hands-on drawing and painting activity for all ages.
When: September 30, 2023
Time: 1 to 3 pm
Where: Place des Arts – 1120 Brunette Avenue, Coquitlam
Cost: Free, register online
Here are some resources from the Vancouver District Labour Council (VDLC) that you may find useful as well:
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: 94 Calls to Action
Calls to Action Accountability: A 2022 Status Update on Reconciliation https://yellowheadinstitute.org/trc/
Indigenous Watchdog: https://www.indigenouswatchdog.org/
Sign CLC’s petition “Justice for First Nations’, Inuit, and Metis is Long Overdue”
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation: Lunch and Learn Webinars, Sept 25 – 29. Register online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/truth-and-reconciliation-week-2023-public-lunch-and-learns-tickets-704876573807?aff=oddtdtcreator
BCFED Reconciliation Plan Framework: https://mcusercontent.com/ca056b1a01009092002205b95/files/e3106f56-5dda-b3f3-1253-32bf1ee2cc80/reconciliation_plan_bcfed_Final_version_sm.01.pdf
TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION: CUPE TAKING ACTION THROUGH COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: https://cupe.ca/sites/cupe/files/truth_and_reconciliation_indigenous_bargaining_guide_en_0.pdf
UFCW: Indigenous Rights and the Workplace Bargaining Guide: https://www.ufcw.ca/templates/ufcwcanada/images/media/pdfs/IRW-Bargaining-Guide/Indigenous-Rights-and-the-Workplace-Bargaining-Guide-EN_V8-email.pdf