About FPSE
FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.
Hundreds of BC private post-secondary workers are among those included in Statistics Canada’s unemployment numbers released Thursday, April 9. Already, some private post-secondary institutions have said that they can no longer operate given the significant decline of international students attributed to COVID-19. Inlingua Vancouver, whose employees are unionized, will be closed effective May 29, 2020.
In response, FPSE Local 21 (Education and Training Employees’ Association – ETEA) and FPSE President Terri Van Steinburg are supporting these workers during this difficult time.
FPSE Local 21 – ETEA immediately met with private sector employers to ensure workers’ rights were protected. At every ETEA worksite, the union either achieved commitment from the employer to follow the collective agreement, or a variance was negotiated as a Letter of Understanding. The union has held regular meetings to keep members informed of developments.
FPSE has provided labour relations support and advice to ETEA and all FPSE locals as they engage employers in COVID-19 emergency work adjustments.
FPSE is calling on the federal government to protect workers now and in the future during this disruption to the private post-secondary sector.
The recommendations from FPSE to the federal government regarding support for unionized post-secondary institutions, are:
1. Prioritize funding and support for private post-secondary institutions with unionized instructors, as this is the most efficient metric by which to measure fair and equitable treatment of instructors and students.
2. Establish a federal tri-partite committee to determine sector-wide practices regarding international education with compliance with collective agreements mandated at the outset.