About FPSE
FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.
FPSE Demands Action on Layoffs and Funding Cuts
For Immediate Release
March 25, 2025
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (FPSE) is sounding the alarm as layoffs of faculty members have started to ripple out across the province with reductions of up to 10% of the workforce. Last week, Kwantlen Polytechnic University announced that approximately 70 full-time faculty would be laid off, and announcements had already been made at Vancouver Island University, Camosun College, the College of New Caledonia, North Island College, and Langara College. We expect more layoff announcements in the coming weeks. Despite this crisis, the provincial government and the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills have been silent on the plight of our institutions.
“As we face the headwinds of tariffs and the call from the provincial government for a more responsive, innovative, and flexible post-secondary education sector, we are stunned by the silence of the Premier and the Minister on this crisis,” said Brent Calvert, President of FPSE. “The Eby government supervises and micromanages every element of our sector but has failed to take any action in the face of this crisis,” Calvert added.
In January 2024, the federal government abruptly announced a 35% cut in new international student permits. In addition, the federal government subsequently changed regulations around post-graduation work permits and dramatically reduced the ability of international students to access pathways to permanent residency. These combined changes have had a devastating impact on BC’s colleges and universities.
“We need a bold response from the government on the path forward for higher education in British Columbia. The government controls almost all aspects of our institutions but is now pretending they have no role in addressing this crisis,” said Michael Conlon, FPSE Executive Director. “The Minister and Deputy Minister continue to mislead our members and British Columbians about the tight control they exercise over our sector. They need to step up and provide solutions to this crisis instead of peddling the half-truth that our institutions are autonomous,” concluded Conlon.
BC launched a post-secondary funding review in 2022, and FPSE, along with our sector partners, provided detailed submissions, but the government suddenly abandoned the review without any notice or communication. Despite this bizarre decision to ghost our members, the Minister has continued to reference the cancelled review in correspondence with the Langara Faculty Association and others as if it were a completed, credible review.
“Our members are losing patience with obfuscation and political games,” said Calvert. “We are ready to enter into a meaningful dialogue with the government to ensure we have a post-secondary education sector that meets the needs of all British Columbians,” concluded Calvert.
For further information or comment, please contact FPSE Executive Director Michael Conlon at (604) 873-8988 or info@fpse.ca.