About FPSE
FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.
Join instructors Leo McGrady and Jamie Baugh from McGrady & Company on February 4 for a Charter Rights in the Workplace workshop, offered by the Vancouver & District Labour Council.
Doug McNicol Charter Rights Workshop
In recent years, the Supreme Court of Canada and some lower courts have confirmed important rights for Canadian unions and their members. Decisions regarding Bill 29 in the health care sector, the Harper government back-to-work order against postal workers, and the recent BC Teachers’ Federation win over the right to negotiate class size and composition all combine to establish that Charter rights, such as freedom of association, include the right to free collective bargaining and due process. The implications of these decisions by our top judiciary reach into every workplace - both public and private sector. This course provides an overview of the Charter Rights, the key decisions for unions, and how these cases can be used to advance our collective interests.
Date: Saturday, February 4
Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Registration: $100 VDLC affiliated union / $120 other (fee includes lunch & materials )
Instructors: Leo McGrady & Jamie Baugh, McGrady & Co.
Leo McGrady, QC of McGrady and Company specializes in labour law, human rights, class actions, intellectual property, and libel law, all on behalf of unions and employees. He has argued cases at all levels of court in British Columbia and the Territories, and served as counsel on a number of leading labour and charter cases in the Supreme Court of Canada.
James Baugh is Senior Counsel at McGrady & Company. His areas of practice include labour and employment law, human rights, defamation and civil litigation. Mr. Baugh has taught courses in labour law and human rights, and has made presentations on employment related topics at a variety of conferences and workshops. He was called to the bar in 1988.