There's an election coming and the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators is getting involved.

We asked our members what they thought about the issues, the record of the BC Government on education and other issues, and the level of political involvement they want to see from their organizations. The answers were pretty clear.

Post-secondary educators are very concerned about students - and what has happened to students during the Campbell Liberal's term of government. They want us to talk about the government's track record, to help raise the profile of post-secondary education and to play a role in shaping the debate around the issues.

Our campaign is based on a simple message: An education shouldn't cost an arm and leg ... and under the Campbell Liberals, it does.

Providing enough money for post-secondary education should be a priority for every government - it's key to a successful, modern economy. It's key to the future success of our citizens and the health of our communities.

Post-secondary educators see students every day who are suffering because of rising tuition and the loss of student grants. Funding has not kept up with inflation or government's plan for growth in student numbers.

Post-secondary educators also bear the cost of underfunding. Our students are dealing with more stress and need more from us. We manage ever more complex information and new technologies with fewer resources and less support.

Under the Campbell Liberals the Canadian tradition of a public post-secondary education system is being eroded. This government has privatized the funding of post-secondary education - with more coming from students, families and private fundraising and less from government.

The Campbell Liberals have also deregulated private training and created private universities. Privatization will only place more cost pressures on students and families.

It's not good for students; it's not good for our future. It's not good for BC.

The track record of the Campbell Liberal government doesn't jive with the glossy ads and the effusive slogans - like "the best place on earth to learn". Post-secondary educators want their organizations to talk about that track record and to hold government to account.

In our campaign, we're asking voters - students and families, post-secondary educators and the public in general - to think about post-secondary education and to raise the issues. This campaign is about the message we give politicians during the provincial election campaign and on Election Day.

About FPSE

The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC is the provincial voice for faculty and staff in BC teaching universities, colleges and institutes, and in private sector institutions. FPSE member locals, represented by Presidents' Council and the Executive, represent over 10,000 faculty and staff at 18 public and 4 private sector institutions.