Fair employment means exactly that; salary, workplace rights and benefits that are fair to everyone. However, for more and more faculty and staff who work and teach in post-secondary institutions across Canada, fair employment is anything but fair. Non-regular or contingent faculty face major challenges because their employment status is temporary and their access to available work is limited.

FPSE, along with other unions and faculty associations across Canada, are working to change those conditions. Our efforts are highlighted during this week in October. We call it Fair Employment Week and we are working with Locals, allies and others in the labour movement to highlight the ways in which we can make meaningful changes for non-regular or contingent faculty in post-secondary education.

Some of those solutions can be found at the bargaining table. For some, a better solution can be found through organizing efforts in the community. In either case, we are putting pressure on governments and administrators to improve the conditions of non-regular or contingent faculty in our institutions. We know that when we make their jobs more secure and strengthen their access to available work and regular benefits, we not only help them as educators, we also improve their workplace conditions in ways that improve the learning experience of their students.

Fair Employment Week also provides an opportunity for faculty and staff within our Locals to understand the problems that non-regular faculty face and talk about strategies to change those conditions. Whether we press ahead with contract changes negotiated with our employers during collective bargaining or actively support organizing and more effective unionization efforts, we are able to extend our solidarity to those whose jobs are precarious and workplace conditions are inadequate. In both cases, however, it means finding new ways to improve the conditions of those who do not have access to regular employment.

Over the next five days we are encouraging members to find out more about the Fair Employment Week campaign and look for ways to broaden support for fair employment changes in your institution. For more information check out www.fairemploymentweek.ca.

About FPSE

The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC is the provincial voice for faculty and staff in BC teaching universities, colleges and institutes, and in private sector institutions. FPSE member locals, represented by Presidents' Council and the Executive, represent over 10,000 faculty and staff at 18 public and 4 private sector institutions.