
Jan 2020

This year, January not only brings the fresh start of a new calendar year, but also the beginning of a new decade. It’s the perfect time to look ahead at what this year holds and think big about the changes we want to see by 2030. I want to build on all the work we’ve done this past year – if you missed it, you can read my year in review here.

This year, our federation is focusing on three things:

  • Fighting for fairness in our current round of bargaining;
  • Celebrating our 50th anniversary and everything we’ve accomplished since we started in 1970; and
  • Advocating for improvements in our sector, such as the need for public funding to make sure post-secondary education is affordable, comprehensive, and sustainable.

Our priority as a federation of unions, has always been working with our locals on a strong and united approach to bargaining – this year is no different. So much work has been done at the table to push forward on the issue of fairness for contract faculty and we cant, and won’t, stop now. For more information on bargaining, contact your bargaining team.

In addition to bargaining, we've been working with FPSE activists past and present to conduct interviews and find photos and stories from the last 50 years. Through this process, I’ve seen that everything we do, be it bargaining or campaigning, is only possible because of the work of the union members who came before us. I am so grateful to those in our movement who gave their time, energy, and expertise to making life better for those of us who have come after them. Well be sharing this information on our website, through our FPSE email list, and on our Facebook and Twitter accounts – be sure to subscribe, like and follow us for future developments.

Finally, whether you’re looking at our history or our present, it’s clear that our federation is always focused on making a better future for post-secondary workers, and we’re not afraid to think big. Faculty, staff, and learners deserve nothing less than an affordable post-secondary education system that treats workers fairly, and provides opportunity for all students, regardless of their financial means. Big ideas take time to become reality, but they are absolutely worth fighting for.

In solidarity,

Terri Van Steinburg

About FPSE

The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC is the provincial voice for faculty and staff in BC teaching universities, colleges and institutes, and in private sector institutions. FPSE member locals, represented by Presidents' Council and the Executive, represent over 10,000 faculty and staff at 18 public and 4 private sector institutions.