Text: FPSE News Image: Outline of books against blue background

This National Indigenous History Month, a BC post-secondary union has partnered with Indigenous radio station Nuxalk Radio to promote Indigenous voices.

As an overdue conversation about systemic racism is taking place in Canada, more Canadians are asking how they can help. For those wondering how to get started, there are now new ways to learn from Indigenous scholars from across the country with the release of an audio version of Whose Land Is It Anyway? A Manual for Decolonization.

“This handbook is essential reading for settlers in so-called Canada,” says Nuxalk Radio Station Manager Banchi Hanuse. “It is a powerful and beautiful affirmation of what the original caretakers of these lands have always known. Now in audiobook form, this collection of voices serves as a reminder that the more we understand Indigenous Nationhood and Indigenous Peoples’ inherent rights to the land, the healthier we and the earth can become in our shared existence.”

Whose Land Is It Anyway? A Manual for Decolonization provides a variety of Indigenous perspectives on the history of colonialism, current Indigenous activism and resistance, and outlines the path forward to reconciliation. Originally released as a free e-book, the audio version features renowned Indigenous writers Taiaiake Alfred, Glen Coulthard, Russell Diabo, Beverly Jacobs, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Kanahus Manuel, Jeffrey McNeil-Seymour, Pamela Palmater, Shiri Pasternak, Nicole Schabus, Senator Murray Sinclair, and Sharon Venne. The late Arthur Manuel’s writings are read by his grandson, Mahekan Anderson.

“There is a long history of racism and violence against Indigenous people in this province or country,” said FPSE President Terri Van Steinburg. “But most Canadians continue to think of this as something that has happened in the past, despite the ongoing discrimination towards Indigenous people by the state, corporations, and members of the general public. You only need to think back to January of this year when Maxwell Johnson and his granddaughter were arrested for trying to open a bank account to know that racism against Indigenous people exists and continues to this day. Words cannot demonstrate the commitment of Canadians to end systemic racism, only actions can. I hope that people will use the book or audio resource as a beginning for their anti-racism journey.”

You can hear authors read their contributions in Whose Land Is It Anyway? A Manual for Decolonization on Nuxalk Radio (NuxalkRadio.com & 91.1 FM Bella Coola) on Sunday June 21st. Beginning June 22nd, they will also be available through the FPSE website (fpse.ca/decolonization-manual) and through Apple Podcasts and Google Play.


Media Contacts


Nuxalk Radio

Banchi Hanuse | sltslani@nuxalkradio.com



Nicole Seguin | nseguin@fpse.ca

About FPSE

FPSE is the provincial voice of 10,000 faculty and staff at BC’s universities, colleges, institutes, and private-sector institutions. We provide resources and access to legal services, and we engage in advocacy on behalf of our 18 member locals and the public post-secondary system.