Earlier this month Premier Campbell unveiled his plan to help BC's ailing public post-secondary education system. It was a plan short on details. But even more disconcerting, it was a plan draped in...
Investigative reporting by the Vancouver Sun is shining an uncomfortably bright light on BC's private, for-profit, post-secondary institutions. For more than a week, readers have learned about the...
Amid much fanfare and media hype, Premier Campbell took to the podium at a press conference in mid-July to announce the launch of Campus 2020. The initiative will focus on the future of post-secondary...
It was just nine months ago that BC's Lieutenant Governor, Iona Campagnola, opened the 38th Parliament with details of the government's strategic plan for the next four years. The plan described "five...
Unions representing close to 240,000 provincial public sector workers in BC have just completed marathon bargaining sessions with their employers. The bargaining has been the first real test of...
With the launch of a new legislative session, the BC government's Throne Speech has signaled that its new mandate may soon begin to look a lot like its first four years. Rather than look for ways to...
Voters across Canada have once again defied pollsters and pundits with election results that will force Stephen Harper's minority government to proceed with caution as they work to form a new...
Post-secondary education needs good policy not cheap politics