Happy holidays from FPSE

2019 is drawing to a close, and its been a big year for our federation.

Weve been talking about how contract faculty are paid less than their colleagues, and why we need to fix this. We have been in bargaining since our contracts expired on March 31st. And of course, we’ve continued to push for the fair treatment of faculty and staff in their day to day work.

Through our federation’s committees, we are making pensions more secure, workplaces safer, and ensuring our coworkers are treated with respect. Since anti-union legislation was repealed last fall, educators who are active in their union are again able to sit on the boards of our colleges, institutes and universities.

We‘ve marched with and donated funds to our allies in labour, who have had to strike in order to get a fair contract with their employer. This is our commitment as part of the broader labor movement: to unite in solidarity when times are tough in order to create a better future, together.

Here are some more highlights from the past year:

2019 FPSE Media Coverage Highlights

FPSE Commentary:

On a personal note, its been an honour to serve as president of our federation since being elected in May. I couldn’t ask for a more dedicated group of activists than the FPSE Executive and Presidents’ Council. They work hard to improve our post-secondary sector and make our workplace better for faculty and staff right across the province.

The more we work together on the important issues facing us, the stronger we become, and the better our workplaces will be. On behalf of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC, I wish you the happiest of holidays and a joyous New Year.

In solidarity,

Terri Van Steinburg

About FPSE

The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC is the provincial voice for faculty and staff in BC teaching universities, colleges and institutes, and in private sector institutions. FPSE member locals, represented by Presidents' Council and the Executive, represent over 10,000 faculty and staff at 18 public and 4 private sector institutions.