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There’s a pattern developing in Victoria, but unfortunately our Premier doesn’t seem to see it. The pattern is that Premier Campbell uses aggressive legislative measures that are later found by the...
For more than a century, the women’s movement has worked to raise awareness and build solidarity for their struggle to secure equality, rights and respect for women. International Women’s Day has...
For over 30 years the labour movement has shown tremendous support for communities through a valuable partnership with United Way. On February 26th, the United Way acknowledged the leadership role...
Change is good. So too is truth. Too bad this year's provincial budget didn't have much of either in it. That sentiment pretty much summarizes the reaction of many at the Victoria Conference Centre...
"British Columbians were looking for answers in this budget and the Minister is just offering up a fiscal shell game," said Cindy Oliver, President of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators. "The...
The good news is that BC voters have some very strongly held views when it comes to education. Simply put, they place a very high value on programs and funding that provide high quality learning...
An overwhelming majority (86 percent) of British Columbians believe investment in public education should be a key part of any economic stimulus plan in the upcoming provincial budget, said a poll...
This was supposed to be a defining moment for Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. Canada's economy has ground to a halt. By his own estimates, Mr. Flaherty predicts the Canadian economy will contract in...
The College Pension Plan has announced that it will stop subsidizing extended health benefits for retirees and will also cap inflation protection in the near future. The announcement follows a...
The new year brings more than the promise of better weather or the prospect of longer days. Within the next forty-six days, both the provincial and federal governments will be tabling budgets. The...