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As every union in BC's public sector knows all too well, the BC Liberals have no regard for free collective bargaining. More to the point, the current provincial government seems to go out of its way...
"It's hard to overstate the importance of what these members have been able to get in their first round of collective bargaining," said Cindy Oliver, President of the Federation of Post-Secondary...
A year ago BC Liberals elected Christy Clark to replace Gordon Campbell as their leader and as BC's Premier. Her campaign for leadership had a constant refrain; she was going to "do things differently...
"The Finance Minster says he wants to challenge our institutions to spend less, but his challenge comes on top of a decade-long trend in which his government has already cut real per-student funding...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The presidents of the three largest unions in the post-secondary sector - the Federation of Post Secondary Educators (FPSE), the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union...
With an unemployment rate in northern BC sitting at 11.5 per cent and layoffs looming at northern colleges, the B.C. government's vaunted BC Jobs Plan is failing northern communities, unions...
"We know post-secondary education is a key to building a better BC, so why don't we make it more accessible," said Cindy Oliver, President of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators. "Tuition fees...
Post-secondary education is a key to prosperity, not just for the society that is prepared to provide that education, but also for the students who are prepared to take on the opportunity for learning...
Nearly two years after the expiry of their collective agreement, post-secondary instructors have reached a tentative settlement that concludes the 2010 round of provincial common table negotiations...
December 6th marks a tragic anniversary, one in which 14 female students at Quebec's École Polytechnique de Montréal were killed by a lone gunman. Ten other female students were also injured during...