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"Premier Campbell wants BC to be 'the most literate and best educated' in Canada, but his 2006 Budget falls well-short of funding those goals," said Cindy Oliver, President of the Federation of Post...
With the launch of a new legislative session, the BC government's Throne Speech has signaled that its new mandate may soon begin to look a lot like its first four years. Rather than look for ways to...
"When employers and unions start to sound the same alarm bell about BC's skills training deficit, smart governments would pay close attention to what we are saying," said Cindy Oliver, President of...
The province must invest in education programs for low-income adults with upgrading needs if it wants achieve its goal of making BC the best-educated and most literate jurisdiction in North America...
Voters across Canada have once again defied pollsters and pundits with election results that will force Stephen Harper's minority government to proceed with caution as they work to form a new...
BC's new Deputy Minister of Advanced Education, Moura Quayle, met with members of FPSE's Presidents' Council to initiate an on-going dialogue with faculty members from around the province. "Council...
"It's time to re-think provincial policies that have undermined access to our public post-secondary education system for our most vulnerable students," said Cindy Oliver, President of FPSE. Oliver was...
Over 500 union and community activists from across the Lower Mainland rallied in downtown Vancouver over the weekend to show their support for NDP leader Jack Layton. The crowd also heard from...
On November 19, voters across BC will head to the polls. No, it's not a federal election or a provincial election. It's polling day in over 400 municipalities for the positions of mayor, councilors...
The biggest teachers' dispute in BC's history is over and it's time to reflect on lessons learned. Certainly, those in the Premier's office are still trying to figure out what happened. In a dispute...