• FPSE has approximately 10,000 members from 18 independent faculty and staff unions in British Columbia’s public and private post-secondary institutions.

  • Our members include educators, researchers, artists, librarians, archivists, support staff, and IT technicians.



  • FPSE has two full-time officers: President Brent Calvert and Secretary-Treasurer Sean Parkinson

  • FPSE has an Annual General Meeting and Convention, which is the primary policy-making body of our Federation. It is attended by delegates from each of our member locals, who set our agenda for the upcoming year and elect the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Vice-Presidents.

  • Presidents’ Council is the governing body between AGMs. PC comprises the president of each of our member locals, as well as the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Vice-Presidents, who have voice but no vote.

  • FPSE’s Executive Committee advises and supports the work of Presidents’ Council. The Executive comprises the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Vice-Presidents, as well as two Members-at-Large, who are selected by and from Presidents’ Council.



  • Elected leaders of 6 college faculty associations formed
    the College Faculties Federation in 1970.
  • In 1980, a few years after the faculty associations
    were given the legal right to unionize, the CFF became the
    College and Institutes Educators Association (CIEA).

  • CIEA changed its name to the
    Federation of Post-Secondary Educators in 2004.

Discover more about FPSE and our history at the FPSE Online Museum