A recent BC Liberal announcement allocating funding for community adult literacy programs shortchanges the 25,000 Adult Basic Education students at the province’s public post-secondary institutions...
The provincial government’s systematic reduction in funding over the past 15 years means an increasing number of young British Columbians are unable to access or afford the post-secondary education...
September 1, 2016 Teachers at private ESL schools say the new Private Training Act taking effect today will still leave students vulnerable to school closures and to misrepresentation by third party...
Teachers at Vancouver English Centre showed up for mediation with their employer Friday, armed with proposals aimed at re-opening the school. They were shocked to discover the employer had given up...
Delegates to FPSE’s Annual General Meeting and Convention, held May 16-19, 2016, demonstrated their ongoing support for the Executive by acclaiming all four elected officers to their positions...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 7, 2016VANCOUVER— Low-income British Columbians trying to upgrade their skills are now learning they face yet another roadblock, says the president of the Federation of Post...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 16, 2016VICTORIA— Another year, another missed opportunity to invest in post-secondary education and address growing problems with affordability. That’s the message from...
PRESS RELEASEPost-secondary institutions need funding, and not just for targeted programs - FPSEFebruary 3, 2016Vancouver – Restricting new funding to only targeted post-secondary programs can...
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators is a longtime supporter of the work of CoDevelopment Canada. CoDevelopment Canada is a BC-based NGO that works for social change and global education in the...
Literacy Funding Inadequate in Addressing Basic Education Needs